Our Mission
Stand Up, Stand Out, Be the Change
I am SO honored to welcome you to a place where you’ll always belong and always be loved! My vision for this line is to create powerful pieces of clothing that will speak to you as you wear them, but also speak to others as they see you! I envision a community that creates confidence and cultivates relationships by discussing all things girl world(at every age)! I want us to be able to have discussions and devotions on a regular basis and to help build each other’s self esteem through wearing powerful things and creating powerful relationships! I hope you’ll STAND UP for what you believe, that these pieces will STAND OUT and be conversation starters for you, and that together we can BE THE CHANGE! ❤️💕 Please join our community on Instagram! (@ShopHaileaAlexis)
Our story is really long so I’ll just give ya a snippet:) My entire life I have been a fashionista and I’ve been extremely passionate about changing the dynamic of girl world! I have served in girl’s ministry for many years and continue to be drawn in more with every relationship built. We live in a cruel society filled with impossible expectations and vulgarity blasted through every outlet possible. I have known I wanted to do something that’s never been done before and God finally opened my eyes to that thing I’ve been anxiously awaiting for a VERY long time! A clothing line filled with positivity and serving girls in every possible way. I am an avid believer that with confidence you can accomplish ANYTHING and my goal is to help build confidence in girls through this clothing. I want them to be able to create a positive community to surround themselves with and to be exactly who God has called them to be! It’s easy to mold into what society wants, but my mission is to change what that mold really is!